Rwanda: Australian High Commission in Kenya envoy thrilled to visit Ikirenga ACP
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Rwanda: Australian High Commission in Kenya envoy thrilled to visit Ikirenga ACP

Maureen Maina, the Project Manager at the Australian High Commission, Kenya, visited Ikirenga ACP’s Kigali Office to witness the progress of the Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project.

On Wednesday, March 20, the Ikirenga ACP’s Kigali Office hosted Maureen Maina, the project manager at the Australian High Commission, Kenya, representing the Australian High Commission in Kenya.

The office is also a hub and training center for the Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project, a collaborative initiative with the Australian government funded through the Direct Aid Program.

Maureen visited Ikirenga ACP to gain insights into the project’s progress, achievements, and challenges. Maureen and the staff of Ikirenga discussed the project’s updates, successes, next steps, and obstacles and explored pathways to overcome them and enhance impact within the creative community, especially the project’s beneficiaries.

The visit was a testament to the international support and recognition for the project’s efforts in empowering women, youth and people with disabilities through art, entrepreneurship, and mentorship. Maureen engaged in discussions with project leaders and mentors, discussing the progress made in empowering the participants.

One of the key topics of discussion during the visit was the challenge faced by the project, particularly in women’s lack of interest in artistic endeavors. The project manager at Ikirenga highlighted, “Every time we send out an application call, we lack enough women representation.”

While the project targeted youth (both male and female) aged between 18-30, an exception was made for women where this selection criterion was extended to those aged 35 to ensure an increased gender balance in the program.

Talking to INTO RWANDA, Maureen emphasized the indefinite support of the Australian government to women and youth who wish to explore and  expand their talents, “Australia is always looking to support young people, especially those who want to go after their passion and also explore them.” 

As the visit concluded, Maureen expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to visit Ikirenga ACP and hear from the organization’s team members, trainers, and mentors for the Ikirenga Empowerment Hub Project.

The visit served as a platform for dialogue and learning, highlighting the importance of the Australian government in empowering youth, women, and people with disabilities and creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Maureen held a private meeting with Ikirenga team [iSmartHouse]

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